The Good News: May, 2016

We are heading into the halfway point of this year 😳
Time slooooooooow down, pleaseeeeee.
But, the past month of May has brought some amazing:

The lowdown:

I have always been all for being positive and optimistic
(read about my take on The Importance of Positivity ☺️).
A long time back, I had the idea of doing a blogpost series called 'The Good News'.

The news and current affairs of our world is so important, it is crucial we keep updated on what is happening around us.

A lot of that tends to focus on what is going wrong.

And, although it is necessary to think about what is wrong in order to right it,
I think we could stand to gain a lot from appreciating what is already right, or getting good, as well!

So, without further ado,


May, 2016


Mowing Seniors' lawns for free

Rodney Smith Jr. (pictured above, right) began mowing lawns in Alabama to help the elderly, the disabled and single parents. He has since created the not for profit Raising Men Lawn Care Services. With other teens now getting involved he says he is using the service to teach them "a sense of accomplishment, self-esteem, moral value and purpose in themselves".


Resume of Failures to encourage everyone

Ivy League Professor, PhD from Harvard, Princeton's Johannes Haushofer wanted to make a point:

"Most of what I try fails, but these failures are often invisible, while the successes are visible. I have noticed that this sometimes gives others the impression that most things work out for me. As a result, they are more likely to attribute their own failures to themselves, rather than the fact that the world is stochastic, applications are crapshoots, and selection committees and referees have bad days. This CV of Failures is an attempt to balance the record and provide some perspective."


Son asks his Mum to her first ever prom 


Son, Trey Potter, said "She never had that experience and she's risked so much for throughout my life and made so many sacrifices. I thought it would be the right thing to do".

Mum, MelRo Potter, grew up in 23 different foster care homes and ended up pregnant and homeless at 16.

“When I was pregnant with him well, I heard, ‘Mel because you lived in the foster care system, you’re probably not going to raise a thriving individual. It just doesn’t happen. You can’t give him what you don’t have.’ So seeing who he has become and knowing the sacrifices that have been made and how much I love him and seeing that come to fruition, I’ve proved him wrong".

Tabletop notes of encouragement for students

This follows the school's "growth mindset" concept; the belief that in order to become successful, it isn't all about brains and talent. Abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication.


Nepal's Two Year Celebration of Zero Rhino Poaching

High-level political will and government entities + the active involvement of conservation communities = Conservation success and zero poaching.

Thanks to Nepal's efforts, more than 645 one-horned rhinos live in Nepal, which is the highest record number for the country and will hopefully serve as inspiration for countries like Africa (where poachers killed 1,338 rhinos last year).



Love at first sight for toddler and Snow White

Jack-Jack (2) wasn't too keen on Mary Poppins and Buzzlight Year, but one person was the exception.         My heart ❤️


And that was some of The Good News for May! ☺️

What were you surprised to hear about? Do you have a favourite?
Do you like listening to some Good News? ☺️

New post will be up next Wednesday!

Until then, you can: Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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  1. these are all so so lovely! :--) xx

    1. Thank you, Laura! I love stories like these :)

  2. I have to admit, I shed a tear or two, all of these stories are so beautiful! I love that the rhino population is growing in Nepal and the CV is really encouraging, things might look easy from the outside but we simply don't let others know if we are unsuccessful. I feel like it's the same with social media: people only see the good side, not what is really happening. The story that made me cry was Trey Potter's, his mother sounds like a wonderful woman and Trey like a wonderful son. xx

    1. Awww, Mira ♥ I loved, loved, loved the idea behind the CV because it is important for us to remember everyone experiences failures and failure is integral to success! How BEAUTIFUL was it of Trey Potter to do that for his all too deserving mum, right!

  3. Raashi! I actually read this list twice...back when you first posted and and again now when I needed a bit of a positive boost! Thanks again for sharing such good news. This is one of my most favourite series to read. I'm not sure if you follow Upworthy too/if I've mentioned it before but I think you'd love all the stories they post too! I loved Trey Potter's story, so heartwarming.

    Wishing you a very happy June! Much love, Ana xxx

    1. Awww, I love that, so glad it gave you some positive vibes! I don't read upworthy but just researched it - and it is now a permanent fixture in my bookmark tabs, hehe. Thank you for sharing it with me! ♥




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