Living by Mantras Challenge I Part 1 I

Hi everyone! ☺️

I mentioned in last week's blogpost that I was undertaking a challenge and was pretty excited to see how it would turn out - well, here is Part 1 of the Results!!!

But firstly, if you haven't read about it before, what's the challenge?
Each day for seven days, one of my besties (thanks Ace! ❤️) will be sending me a motivational life mantra/life inspiration/quote photo - whatever you wanna call it - that I haven't seen before.
Each day, I will have to incorporate it into my life (to the best extent I can!) after figuring out what the mantra means to me.

So, here goes! :)


Ace - her name is Anna-Christina, we all call her A-C, but she's my Ace!☺️  - sent me my first mantra in the morning, and it wasn't too bad! I felt like I knew exactly what this one meant straight away, but I did want other people's opinions just because it's interesting!

One of my best friends, Fiona, thought it meant "I do enough to be happy/satisfied/content etc…it's like enough with trying to meet all your expectations, try to just get the basic fundamentals you need to be content, like just be present".

Ace felt like "it means you don't need to do more or change yourself or do anything, you are enough as a person."

And me? I think it means being ok if you're not getting everything you think you need to get done, done. You're enough just the way you are. Essentially, I thought it meant taking a step back and not being so hard on yourself - and appreciating what there is in your life! I started loving this mantra already - we all need a whole lot more of this in our lives!

How on earth am I going to incorporate this into my day though? This week I was on my mid-semester break from uni and the only thing on my agenda for today was cleaning my room (long overdue…sorry mum! :P). Throughout the day I was SO hyper aware of if I was giving myself any negative self-talk and immediately squashed it with 'I am enough', it's crazy how helpful a simple sentence like that actually is!

The cleaning day went on, I had cleared out my entire wardrobe and started sorting everything -  but it became late night and I was tired. Had I accomplished my goal of cleaning my entire room? No. But, you know what? I did enough for today :)

I decided sorting out all the clothes to be hung was enough ^, dumped the rest of my clothes in two drawers to sort tomorrow (reference far right photo) and called it a night! 
I definitely have enough clothes ;)

Usually I'm pretty hard on myself if I don't get things done, it was refreshing to ease up and say you know what? It's ok. It's enough!

DAY 2: "Why walk when you can dance?"

Oh Ace, you know me so well. I LOVED THIS ONE. 
How was I going to take on this one? LITERALLY - for sure! :P

 Figuratively though, I thought it meant find fun in everything, why do something a more plain way when you can do something in a more exciting way? I was discussing it with Ace and she added on another cool point: "Enjoying every moment and living life to the full for sure, and like work to our maximum not minimum, in a strange way. Like if walking is the minimum, then dancing is giving your full potential, giving everything you have." I love all these points so much.

I definitely apply this mantra a whole lot already when I'm around the house :P I don't know about you guys, but sometimes when I can take my time and cook some dinner I put on music and dance around the kitchen cooking :) Don't judge, join me! Hehe. But that day I took it to the next level - it was 8.45 am and I was jamming to Beyoncé - not mad about it. ;)

Besides the day being a constant work out, it was definitely a whole lot of fun!

DAY 3: "Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the **** you were gonna do anyway."

Ahhh, this will be interesting. I immediately sent Ace a message saying:

But also - this was so against what I'm usually like haha. 

A while back I had mentioned to mum I was really wanting to buy some charms for my Pandora bracelet, but she suggested just waiting for a bit which normally I agree with, especially when it comes to shopping and the potential of sales.

 Thing is, Pandora stores don't really tend to have sales… :)

If you follow me on Instagram you would have seen...I decided I was just going to buy some charms anyway *insert covering eyes monkey emoji*. It definitely made me happy haha.

I did struggle with this mantra a little bit just because it's not quite like me. But, after getting each mantra in the morning I would make a conscious effort to keep them on my mind all day:  One thing I did notice about this day was JUST. HOW. LIBERATING. it was to put your feelings, thoughts, needs and wants as the first priority (even if in reality it can't and shouldn't always be the case).

It was a bit insane to see how focusing on one phrase a day could have such a big impact on your mindset and feelings!

The rest of the week?
Days 4-7 coming your way next week!
 See whether following all these mantras took me down the path of enlightenment! :P

New blog post will be up next Tuesday!!! 

Until then, you can Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Or follow me below at - 
They're all linked so you should just be able to click on them! :)

Have a great rest of the week!



  1. This is such a brilliant challenge, sounds like its really helping you live each day to the full, something we don't do often enough!

    1. Thank you Raj! :) It really did help me those few days surprisingly, words can have such a powerful force on our lives!

  2. Replies
    1. Awww thank you Liz! Just love your blog! :)

  3. I need some closet cleaning motivation! I love what you are doing with the challenge. Nice charms, too. :)

    xoxoBella |

    1. Hahaha oh gosh, I had been delaying it for SO long Bella! Finally got around to it! Thank you! Haha it was a good excuse for me to finally get some, I only had 2 on my bangle this whole year :P

  4. I love all these quotes! I love the last one haha! All of these have such a good meaning. I really enjoyed reading this post <3
    Ramsha | Rose

    1. Thank you so much Ramsha! I really liked them too, my friend did such a good job in picking them out, haha days 4-7 are even better! :)

  5. Yay! I can't wait for part 2!
    It's so funny how everyone interprets a mantra differently, but I think you did a great job with them!
    I love the Beyoncé part I jam out and dance to her all the time in my room lol!
    I would have struggled a bit with Day 1 too. I am also a perfectionist and always feel like I need to get everything done.
    I love that bracelet! It's gorgeous!

    1. Awww thank you Rose! Can't wait to show you Part 2, a couple of good mantras in there for sure! YES - fellow Beyonce lover! :D It was honestly so liberating to be like, you know what? I am enough and am doing enough, I think everyone needs to do that once in a while! Make sure you're easier on yourself sometimes! :) Aww thank you, I'm loving picking out which charms I want to fill it out with! :D

  6. I love this post and your blog!

  7. This is such a cool idea! Good luck with the challenge!

    Hustle & Whoa

    1. Thank you Ally! I thought it would be a fun challenge, loving it so far! :)

  8. This is a great idea! I need the first mantra in my life right now - trying to settle back into uni to do my masters and my brain is fried! Ha xxx

    1. Haha aww I feel you there, uni is definitely taking its toll on me right now as well! You'll love one mantra in next week's post - it's been helping me get through uni! :P

  9. Great idea! Good luck! :)

    xoxo, Caroline |

  10. I must try this. I must try this. I must try this. I must.

    1. Haha batsheva, to be honest it really is worth trying to incorporate something like this into our lives! :)

  11. I do think this is such a sweet idea! Love the 'why walk when you can dance' one!!

    1. Thank you so much Miranda - it's definitely been fun! :)

  12. Oh I loved this idea last week when you mentioned it but now I ADORE it. This is such a great thing to do and you are so lucky to have Ace! I agree with you on the meaning of the 'I do enough' one. I like to think it means that you, just as yourself in every single way is enough!

    And I have the Robert Downey Jnr quote saved in my quote bank! This one probably isn't the best to live by, but I think sometimes you just gotta do it right?? ;P

    Looking forward to next week!

    Musings & More

    1. Awww thank you so much Emily! She really is the greatest friend, very lucky - so excited to show you what she's chosen for the next 4 days haha love them!

      Hahaha oh my goodness, I totally agree with it not being appropriate for all situations in our lives, but sometimes - we just need to do it! And should allow ourselves to! Hehe :P

      Yay! So glad you've liked it so far :D

  13. I'm glad that you are going through with this :D
    And I too have a problem of going to bed if I don't think I've done enough in the day.
    Btw,I love your bracelet!

    1. Aww yay thank you so much! Haha sleep just makes everything better, let's be honest :P But legitimately, sometimes I wake up the next morning in a much better mindset to tackle everything! :)

      Thank you!!! I'm loving picking and choosing charms to fill it with :D

  14. Love the saying "Why Walk when you can dance". I think it is important to always find fun!

    1. It is now one of my favourites thanks to this Darcy! So, so important, we really tend to forget it in our busy lives!

  15. I love the idea of living by mantras. The third one is my favorite!


    1. Thank you Laura! It was honestly so cool to put your focus onto a certain way of living or being for a day, haha the third one is awesome!

  16. Looks like you are having fun exploring through new mantras!
    Thanks for sharing!
    P.S. I'll come back next week to see how your part #2 went...

    Made in Mauve

    1. Aww thank you! Really enjoy your blog! :)

  17. I love the post! You have a really great blog:)

  18. Nice post and inspiration♥♥

    1. Thank you Summer! Hope you like the second one just as much :)

  19. Wow! Amazing post!! Love it very much!!
    Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}

  20. Such a lovely idea! It surely helps to see things from a better perspective! Thanks for sharing :)

    Check out my blog if you want:

    Tamara xxx

    1. Thank you Tamara!!! It really, really did :) I most definitely will - love finding new blogs :)

  21. Great idea! And I also love your bracelet, follow my blog and i'll follow yours back?

    1. Thank you Megan! Of course - love your blog! :)

  22. Oh my god. I am so touched. It's means so much that you wrote about us like that. Raashi you are the sweetest and you deserve a million chocolate rainbows.

    1. Awww, love you fifi. Can't tell you how much it means to me that you read and take the time to write the cutest comments <3




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