The Good News: April, 2016

We are now in May! Craziness!
But, that means it's time for us to look over the past month and what April brought in terms of...

The lowdown:

I have always been all for being positive and optimistic
(read about my take on The Importance of Positivity ☺️).
A long time back, I had the idea of doing a blogpost series called 'The Good News'.

The news and current affairs of our world is so important, it is crucial we keep updated on what is happening around us.

A lot of that tends to focus on what is going wrong.

And, although it is necessary to think about what is wrong in order to right it,
I think we could stand to gain a lot from appreciating what is already right, or getting good, as well!

So, without further ado,


April, 2016


Prom for Seniors, by High Schoolers

good news high school prom for seniorsgood news high school prom for seniorsgood news high school prom for seniors

Students from the TERRA Environmental Research Institute in Miami, Florida went to a nursing home and held a prom for the senior residents.
(So much cuteness ensued as you can see from the photos above.)
Flowers, corsages, tiaras, the whole nine yards - along with their school mascot cheering the residents onto the dance floor. 

People with mental sensitivities get a peaceful shopping hour

A Manchester ASDA store has initiated a "quiet hour" every week for customers with autism or other sensitivities.

No music, no lights from flashing signs, no slight sounds from escalators even! They will all be turned off and store maps with pictures in the place of words will be handed out, to aid with the sensory challenges these individuals usually face.

Simon Lea, store manager, pictured above, said,
“It’s all about helping people really.
“Six months ago I would have said ‘control your child’ even though I’ve got children. But speaking to people with autism and disabled people has helped me think about how I can make it a better place to shop.”


Abused Kenyan Girls get the royal treatment they deserve

'Rafiki Mwema' (meaning Loyal Friend), is a nonprofit home that cares for young Kenyan girls who have been abused. Although amazing, it had been filling up quickly and once girls were teenagers they ended up having to go back to their village, leaving all emotional support behind.
GoFundMe page was created not too long ago by Australian mum, Sarah Rosberg.

The goal: Raise $75,000 to construct a second home for those teenagers.
The result: In one month, over $200,000 was raised!

Queen's Castle is in progress and will provide a developed healing program and lots of support for these beautiful teenage girls. 

Orchestra gives Violin to Homeless Man after his was stolen

Mark Landry woke up one morning to find that the instrument he played every day for tips had been stolen and promptly started asking for donations so he could replace it. 

Montreal’s Orchestre Métropolitain saw photos of him spread across the internet and their CEO told of their reaction:

“We said, ‘Oh my God, this poor man lost his only way of communicating his passion to others,’”

A local violin store sold the Orchestra a new violin at no profit and that same afternoon Mark performed to a standing ovation.

Skip to 1.03 for his performance ☺️

Free Tattoos covering the scars on recovered Self-Harmers

22 year old tattoo artist, Whitney Develle, talked to a girl who had suffered from an eating disorder as a teenager about how after being recovered her scars just feel like a constant reminder of her troubled past. The girl then asked Whitney if she could cover the scars with a tattoo.

Whitney said she'd give it a try and that lead to the Scars Project.

Whitney said,
"The way the tattoo made her feel, it was like she was wearing armour on top of her scars."

"Now the reaction she gets... 'where did you get that tattoo, that tattoo is beautiful' instead of looking directly at her scars and judging her. Seeing the expression on her face and how happy it made her, I thought what a great idea to be able to do that for more people."

1-2 days a week, she provides free of charge tattoos - and she has been met with an overwhelming response from people all over the world. 

Every tattoo she creates, the individual shares their story along with the photo.
Click on this link to read some beautiful, beautiful stories.


Everyone joins together to ease Jagger's nerves

13 year old autistic boy, Jagger Lavely, took to his school stage for a talent show performance.  Halfway through singing "Let It Go" from Frozen he began to freeze up. Everyone at Oak Middle School joined in chorus and accompanied Jagger.

“It was just that magical moment where it just felt like the entire community rallied around him,” said mum, Stacey Lavely.

Is it just me or can you see a difference in him towards the end of the song?❤️
People are amazing. 

And that was some of The Good News for April! ☺️

What were you surprised to hear about? Do you have a favourite?
Do you like listening to some Good News? ☺️

New blog post will be up next Tuesday!!! 

Until then, you can: Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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They're all linked so you should just be able to click on them! :)




  1. Woohoo! My favourite blog post series of all time! I can't believe (being from England too!) I hadn't heard about the Asda store in Manchester! What a brilliant idea, more should take it on for sure!

    I also loved reading about the young autistic boy and how lovely the audience joined in!? It's so lovely to know there are people out there will kindness and compassion, it's so wonderful!

    Musings & More

  2. Another lovely roundup of happy stories from around the world, thanks Raashi! I love these posts, they're so cheerful :) xxx
    Lucy @ La Lingua | Food, Travel, Italy

  3. prom for seniors is great idea oh I've never heared about that, great stories thank you for them <3

  4. What a heartwarming blogpost! I love the idea so much of a good news news report! The story about the prom for senior is really lovely! What an awesome idea! Loving the concept behind the scars project as well!

    Rae | Love from Berlin

  5. What a great post full of so much positivity! I love this!


  6. I just love these! Those old people looks so happy,it melts my heart :)
    And that poor man with such a great love for music is a great inspiration!

  7. This is so heartwarming, an amazing idea and it radiates so much positivity!! These old people look very happy and satisfied :))

    xx Alina

  8. You know how much I love this series, hun! Those happy news always brighten up my day, which is very needed especially today, haha! Love the idea of a prom for seniors... The ladies look so beautiful and super glamorous! <3 Thank you for sharing, darling. <3


  9. these are all just such happy stories:-) xx




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