When life gets busy!

Hope you guys are having a great day!!! ☺️
It's been a while since I've done a more personal post, maybe at some point I'll do a compilation of random photos from my holidays, but as for now I am back to routine!

I FEEL SO BUSY RIGHT NOW. Haha. I have not had a day off for the last two weeks (university and work during the week, and work during the weekends as well haha) - I'm surprisingly holding out pretty well actually, but I'm definitely having to dig deep now!

Hahahaha, this made me laugh a lot!

This week I'm working 30 hours in the retail store I work in, doing full-time university, organising group presentations, tutoring sessions, planning birthday and work dinners - I'm not even going to finish the list just to keep my sanity haha. BUT - only four more days and I will have a complete day off, YES! SO EXCITED! (I'm probably going to celebrate it with a blogpost haha, I'm thinking of changing my weekly posting scheduled day to Mondays for the rest of this year ☺️ )

ANYWAYS - enough about me! The thing is, this week got me thinking that sometimes our lives can get SO busy, and SO hectic - and it can be good and bad.

GOOD: I have obligations, and responsibilities, and expectations to meet - and I need to uphold them. This teaches me so many things:

BAD: I can get so caught up in getting everything done for everything and everyone that I forget about myself and taking care of myself, I make myself the last priority. 

"Busy is a drug that a lot of people are addicted to."

I think every individual can relate to both situations. 
We all benefit from, and/or sometimes get disadvantaged by, being so busy.
And yet another double-edged sword in our lives, haha.

Two things are for sure: For now, personally, I am embracing the chaos, trying to have fun and taking it day by day; and, I am going to appreciate Monday SOOO much next week! Hehe :P

New blog post will be up next Monday!!!
Until then, you can follow me on - 
They're all linked so you should just be able to click on them! :)

Have a great rest of the week!



  1. Wow, you do sound crazy busy!! Definitely make sure you make some time for yourself as well to just rest! Enjoy your Mondays :) xxx

    1. Aww thank you Miranda! Hope you're having a good week! ❤️❤️❤️

  2. The business is mutual, Raashi. VERY mutual. You'll get through it, though.
    ~ Sanjana
    Mind paying me a visit?

    1. Haha aww, hope you've been getting through it as well Sanjana! Excited to keep updated with your blog!!! ☺️

  3. Like every situation in life, there are two ways to see things. I like your attitude. If you let yourself be dragged by how busy your life is you won't manage to give it your all. You should always face everything with a smile :)

    1. Awww I just love this comment so much, exactly the reminder that I needed today! Thank you so much Aeriko ❤️

  4. 'Raashi the busy bee �� '
    I like how you have a pros and cons list - i could learn a thing or two from that!
    I don't know how you manage everything, but you do it so well <3

    1. You are so freakin cute fifi! Love you so much ❤️




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