Best Friend Breakups

Hi guys!
Hope you all had a great weekend!

This is a bit of a personal post and something I have wanted to write about for a while now.
Disclaimer: It turned into a MASSIVE essay, so if you're not really in the mood for a personal story/rant session (who can blame you!) - scroll down to the red text! :) 

So, there was a group of us 4 girls who were really, really close throughout high school. Somewhere between end of Year 11 and start of year 12, something changed. Two of the girls kinda just stopped interacting with the other two of us.

Why? I still have no idea.

We all tried having an open, honest conversation about what had changed and it was apparently solved - but the awkwardness continued on. It was a VERY weird period and it affected me a lot because I'm a very loyal person.

One of the girls literally wouldn't acknowledge me, wouldn't even say hi back to me when I waved and smiled at her - how did it go from us having hour long conversations after school to being strangers? 


One lunchtime I flat out asked her if there was anything I did wrong or something that offended her (basically what caused her to hate and ignore me :P) - nothing really came out of it. At some point in that year, I realised I couldn't really do more (I had tried everything from my part) and I couldn't force anyone to like me - so I just left it.


The other thing that was hard to deal with was that I knew exactly what those two girls would have been saying about me and my other friend behind our backs - because I knew how they dealt with other people they disliked, which is fine, that's their prerogative. But - to go from being such close, close friends who legitimately cared for each other, to the exact opposite - I just hated it. 

I mentioned in last week's blogpost, if you're my friend I care for you beyond and I really stick by you. When people have no regard and respect for loyalty, it really gets to me.


I had done so much for both of those girls - and they had done the same back for me, and it pained me that all of that was just love lost. 

So much animosity, all so dramatic, huh? :P Hahaha.


ANYWAY, this year I found out one of those friends was going through a bit of a hard time and instantly, I felt for her. I wanted to talk to her like I used to, I wanted to check on her and be there for her - but I couldn't, because she had cut me out.  

The other friend, I feel so bad about my friendship lost with her. We were each other's support system for so long, we got each other on some deeper levels - this year, something awesome happened in her life. When I saw it, my first instinct was genuine happiness for her - and then the "ugh" factor of it all set in second :P. 


I could remember talking to her about stuff relating to the great thing that happened for her, her opening up to me about all her thoughts on it - all I wanted to do was message her being like, "I am SO glad things worked out for you, I am SO happy you're happy", but I couldn't, she would just think it was weird. It would just hurt me more, the way everyone ended up getting treated in this whole situation was unfair.  

I ran into her one time on the bus, when we were talking it felt so strange pretending we were still friends - cause so much of it felt so normal and similar to how we were, it reminded me of her and our good side - but it was so weird.


It's this strange situation that all four of us still stay updated on each others' lives, we're facebook friends, follow each other on instagram, but can I like their photos? So many times I want to, but I don't. Other times I look at their photos and am like "Ugh...". Same from their end, I presume. 

Those two are best friends now, and me and my other friend are best friends - which I'm so grateful for, one good thing that came out of all this ❤️


If things were how it was between us all earlier, everything would be so completely different. I hate conflict like this. So now we all avoid each other - it's awkward. I don't like it. 

I am ALL FOR girl power and supporting and encouraging other girls, and I hate that we don't do that for each other now. It makes me quite sad to think about it, but we all brought it upon ourselves I guess?

Us girls can be such a powerful force when we support each other :)

A little part of me would love for them to stumble across this post one day, I wonder if it would change how they felt about things? Sometimes I think about if for some reason things were to change on their end, would I want to be friends with them again?

Which leads me to the kinda funny part of this post - how much does all this sound like I'm talking about a relationship breakup? Hahaha.

ANYWAY - if you read through that whole vent/rant, wow! I'm impressed! Haha. Thank you for listening to my ramblings. Have you guys ever been in a similar situation?

If you ever find yourself in a toxic situation, there is only so much you can do/try/fight for that relationship - at some point you have to accept it, distance yourself and just let it be. 


 If you've skipped down to here, below is something I'm so excited about!!

On a more lighthearted note, 
I had mentioned last week that I was going to be announcing a cool blogpost idea...
It's time!

Now, I'm giving credit where credit is due, I totally stole this idea off of one of my favourite magazines - Style Magazine
One of their journalists did a challenge on living living by "mantra memes", as she called it. 

Essentially, my version will look a little like this:
Each day for these next 7 days, one of my besties (thanks Ace! ❤️), will be sending me a motivational life mantra/life inspiration/quote photo - whatever you wanna call it! 
Each day I will have to incorporate it into my life (to the best extent I can!) after figuring out what each mantra means to me.

So, for example, the journalist got this on Day 1 of her challenge:

And you can see, she decoded the mantra to mean doing something she had never done before, something that pushed her out of her comfort zone - she chose to run every morning.

I'm really excited for my 'Living on Mantras' Challenge! I think it'll be super interesting - and can't wait to share the experience with you guys next week!

So, as always...

New blog post will be up next Tuesday!!! 

Until then, you can Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Or follow me below at - 
They're all linked so you should just be able to click on them! :)

Have a great rest of the week!


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5 Years Time

Hi guys!
Hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Can I start out by saying how much I love the blogging community? Haha, I adore the fact that I have gotten the opportunity to connect with some talented, intelligent, supportive and lovely individuals!

And on that note, I was tagged by my friend Emma Parsons at My Slice to do the 5 Years Time post -  her version is here and I just love it! 

The idea behind this tag is to look forward to what you hope to have accomplished and be doing in 5 years time!

But to start off, we look at 5 years ago...this should be interesting haha.

Braces and a massive side fringe - 13 year old me.
 Is it weird/bad that I don't look TOO different in this photo? 

(That being said, I know there are HIDEOUS side fringe photos that maybe it's a good thing that this was the easiest for me to find haha.)

Five years from now though?

I will be 23 years old (which is crazy enough to think about!) and hopefully I would have achieved these five things!


I would have finished my technical degree by 21, so by 23 I would have either finished honours in Psychology, be gaining journalism experience, trying something out in the business world - or who even knows! Haha, I love all the fields I'm studying at the moment; all different, but all interesting to me. As to which one I'll end up in? I have no idea, and although that can be scary at times - it really excites me! 



I really hope to have spent some time abroad by myself (on exchange or travelling). I adore my family and friends beyond and the thought of leaving them and going some place faraway is scary; 
but, it's also something I SO want to do! I want to push my comfort zone, experience new things and see what I'm capable of. 

Be my own person.


I so sincerely hope that the people in my life who are my closest and best friends right now, are still in my life in that same way. If I love you, I love you long time and you mean so much to me. That being said, I obviously hope I am blessed enough to meet new people who become just as important in my life over the next five years.

Loyalty to Love.


I hope I'm healthy, intelligent, passionate, caring, witty, ambitious and goal-driven. I hope I have a bunch of successes under my belt (and that I still have the mindset of embracing and learning from my failures), and that I'm a well put together person. I hope I'm incredibly inspired by something and am making a positive difference in whatever way I want to and can.

I hope I'm someone my mother is proud of.

One of my favourite quotes ever is - "My mother worked too hard for me not to be great.")


How crazy would it be if I was still blogging!?! And I hope I am! 
I started this blog for a couple reasons, but the thought that in the next 5 years I would still be following and keeping updated with the same people (and getting to connect with even more people!) is so, so awesome. 
A really cool thing Emma mentioned in her post, was how insane would it be "that in 5 years time I could look back on this post and then see 5 years of posts after it!" 

To be a blogger.




I would love to read (and tag) 5 Years Time from some of these lovely bloggers: 
Obviously no obligation to do it, just if you feel like! :)
Any other people who feel like doing it please do, and comment below with a link so I can check it out!

New blog post will be up next Tuesday!!! 
(I'll be announcing a cool blogpost idea that will be coming soon :D)

Until then, you can Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Or follow me below at - 
They're all linked so you should just be able to click on them! :)

Have a great rest of the week!


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What I wore to the ball...

Hi guys!
Hope you all had a lovely weekend!!! Cause I sure did! :P

I was a little bit excited cause I thought this would be my first sole fashion post on my blog, but in a typical me manner I wanted to add lots of other things to it haha. (One day I'll be confident and skilled enough to do some fashion posts :P)


This is my 'What I wore to the ball and everything that happened after' post!
Haha, hope you enjoy it!

A few months ago most of my friends and I decided we would go to a University Ball this year -  it's pretty much like formal/prom but at university, so an opportunity to get dressed up, dance and have tonnes of fun with friends ☺️ If you follow me here on Instagram, you would have already seen some snapshots!

For us pretty much every faculty at university have a ball - so there's a journalism ball, psychology ball, business ball, occupational therapy ball - literally one for every school.

We decided to go to the engineering ball because quite a few of the people we hang out with study engineering and their balls are the biggest! It's so normal for people who aren't in that degree (or even at uni, for that matter!) to go to any ball!

This was my first ball even though this is my second year at uni, cause they are 18+ events and I only turned 18 at the start of this year - so needless to say I was excited to join my friends! :)

So, on Saturday night, we were ballin' :P

I ended up wearing this bottlegreen coloured maxi dress, with draping and a bit of a side split. I would have never thought of wearing a dark green dress like this but I actually ended up loving it.

How pretty is one of my best friends, known her since Grade 8 but we've become extra close since uni! 
She came to mine and we left together, 
so obviously pre-photoshoots took place :P

It was SUCH a comfy dress (which is what you need for a 3 course meal :P) and the way I ended up accessorising it, I felt a little bit sophisticated and stylish, so that's always nice! Haha.

I wore sparkly nude, gold-speckled shoes and carried a lovely gold sparkly clutch - I always joke that glitter is my favourite colour!

For accessories,

I wore a really cool geometric gold cuff, a couple of cute little gold rings, a gold belt that I slotted through my dress, and some dangly, jewelled earrings.

May I add I bought the cuff for only $3.50 - score!

And that was my outfit of the night ☺️

I put some curls in my hair and went for pretty natural, classic makeup with some gold running through it, and some pretty gold nails to finish it off!

The night in general? It was so much fun!

As soon as we arrived we lined up to get into the outside area, which was epic! 

Everyone was so dressed up and it was all so fancy, they were handing out champagne glasses, and there were circus dancers and fire performers.

 There were fairy floss and popcorn at stalls, that we could get with cute little circus 'Admit One' tickets they had given us!

 One of my absolutely gorgeous besties and I taking a selfie at the start of the night haha.

Some of the group!

After an hour outside we all started heading inside the venue and it was awesome, it was massive and set up so beautifully.

*Cue a montage of photos*

At our wonderfully decorated table below!

Here are a couple professional photos from the night - 
how beautiful are the projections on the wall!

Throughout the night, we danced - a tonne. As you can see by the sweaty, way too grinny, impromptu photo above - this was about 1/4 of our gang ☺️

 And the rest of the night we made full use of the photobooths they had set up :P

 How insanely cute are these two!!! 

Don't worry I made sure I took plenty of adorable couple photos of them before I did my classic thirdwheel pose :P

It was such a great night, and although the ball ended at 12, our night didn't stop there.

One of my friends headed out to some other club with his girlfriend and so when I called to check that they reached ok, he just sent me these messages. They were definitely a little drunk that night…hahaha. 

Sidenote: One day we were talking about relationships and all, this was when the word bae had just started being used and he thought it was the most hilarious word ever - so now he always tells me to get one hahaha.

But, the rest of us walked to the ball afterparty which was nearby - it was very chill, they were playing retro music with lots of classics (like Jessie's Girl), people were dancing or sitting at tables and talking, it was quite nice.

The night ended with about 8 of us heading back together and having detailed conversations about the Bachelor Australia hahaha (don't judge, there were 4 boys in that car and they were the most opinionated :P).

And that was the end of my first university ball.

R stands for ;) 

Hope you guys enjoyed this post!

New blog post will be up next Tuesday!!!
Until then, you can Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Or follow me below at - 
They're all linked so you should just be able to click on them! :)

Have a great rest of the week!

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